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Topic on Talk:303 Creative v. Elenis

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Hi @DeRien,

I'm not sure that including the discussion of Buttigieg's criticisms of the opinion make sense, for a few reasons. First, standing wasn't discussed in the opinion except to say that the 10th Circuit held that Ms. Smith did have standing. I couldn't find any discussion of standing anywhere else in the majority or the dissent.

Second, her standing wasn't premised upon identifying any particular alleged customer, but "because she had a credible fear of prosecution given that she intended to discriminate in a way that arguably violated Colorado law and because enjoining enforcement against her in these circumstances would redress that fear."[1]

Finally, standing wasn't relevant to the rule for this case, so that discussion doesn't belong in the rule section. I think criticisms of a court opinion could belong in the comments section--but again, I probably wouldn't include Buttigieg's criticisms because they don't appear to address any relevant point of law here.


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