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This Antitrust Outline only has the framework to which the substance needs to be added. If you are so inclined, please feel free!

Introduction to the Competition Model

Policies and Goals of Antitrust Regulation

Common Law

Framework for Analysis

Economic Problem

Market in Movement

Judicial Emphasis on Economic Reasoning

Special Problems of Antitrust Enforcement


Additional Antitrust Defenses


Cartels and Other Joint Conduct by Competitors

Horizontal Restraints

Vertical Restrictions

Intrabrand Distributional Restraints

Interbrand Vertical Foreclosure

Monopoly Structure, Power, and Conduct

The Problem of Monopoly

The Modern Offense of Monopolization

Attempts to Monopolize and Predatory Pricing

Mergers and Acquisitions

Vertical Integration Through Merger

Mergers of Competitors

Mergers of Potential Competitors

The Failing Company Defense

Private Enforcement of Section 7

Interlocking Directorates Under Section 8 of the Clayton Act

Should We Regulate Bigness?

Secondary-Line Differential Pricing and the Robinson-Patman Act


Primary-Line Discrimination

Secondary-Line Discrimination

Criminal Violations of the Robinson-Patman Act

Antitrust and Other Forms of Regulation

Antitrust and Agency Regulation

Petitions to the Government

Problems of Federalism: Preemtion and the "State Action" Doctrine