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Katzenbach v. McClung

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Revision as of 17:30, September 10, 2022 by DeRien (talk | contribs) (Civil Rights Act of 1964)

Katzenbach v. McClung
Court U.S. Supreme Court
Citation 379 U.S. 294 (1964)
Date decided December 14, 1964
Case Opinions
unanimous written by Tom C. Clark


The defendant operated a barbecue diner where they did not allow Blacks, despite congressional law. The diner bought meat from outside the state, and admitted that some guest were from outside the state.


Whether Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as applied to a restaurant annually receiving about $70,000 worth of food which has moved in commerce, is a valid exercise of the power of Congress.


Just using food that moved in interstate commerce is sufficient for Congress to exercise its power.

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