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License on Wiki Law School

All textual content of Wiki Law School is released under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL).

The licenses allow anyone to re-use the content in any way they choose. This includes charging money for access to the content, distributing it wherever and however they like, and modifying it in any way. However, even if you alter GFDL content, your changes must also be released under the GFDL. Any use of GFDL content must include full credit to original authors and a notice that the material is licensed under the GFDL.

Contributors' rights and obligations

If you contribute material to Wiki Law School, you thereby license it to the public under the GFDL. In order to contribute, you therefore must be in a position to grant this license, which means that either:

  • you own the copyright to the material, for instance because you produced it yourself, or
  • you acquired the material from a source that allows the licensing under GFDL, for instance because the material is in the public domain or is itself published under the GFDL.

See Also