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Yofi Tirosh

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Yofi Tirosh (b. 1970) is a lecturer at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law. She was a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University Law Center (fall 2012), and a Research Fellow at NYU Law School.

Education and Legal Activity

Tirosh received her LL.B from the Hebrew University of Jersalem in 1997, and before joining Israel’s Bar, she clerked in Israel’s Supreme Court. She completed her LL.M. and S.J.D. at the University of Michigan Law School in 2004. Besides her position as a faculty member and a lecturer, Tirosh is a human rights activist and a frequent media contributor on current legal affairs in Israel

Research fields

Tirosh’s research is located at the intersection between law, body, gender, and language. Her work explores diverse topics such as discursive analysis of legal texts, affirmative action, antidiscrimination theory, food law, and public health law.

Representative publications

  1. Yofi Tirosh, The Right to Be Fat, forthcoming 12 YALE JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY, LAW, AND ETHICS 264-335 (2012).
  2. Yofi Tirosh, Adjudicating Appearance: From Identity to Personhood, 19 YALE JOURNAL OF LAW & FEMINISM 49 (2007).