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Template:Infobox Case Brief/doc

From Wiki Law School does not provide legal advice. For educational purposes only.

This template is to insert in case briefs and provide basic information at a glance.


Copy and paste the text from the box below into the top of a case brief page. Fill in the data to the right of the equals sign.

See also Template:Court opinion part.

{{Infobox Case Brief
| court                 = 
| citation              = 
| date                  = <!-- example: "April 3, 1974" -->
| subject               = 
| appealed_from         = 
| overturned            = 
| partially_overturned  = 
| reaffirmed            = 
| questioned            = 
| criticized            = 
| distinguished         = 
| cited                 = 
| followed              = 
| related               = 
|Court_opinion_parts    = {{Court opinion part <!-- repeat as needed, one for each opinion -->
| opinion_type          = <!-- "majority," "plurality," "unanimous," "concurrence," "dissent," OR "concur/dissent" -->
| written_by            = 
| joined_by             =

Description of fields

Field Description
court The name of the court where the case was heard.
citation Court reporter citations. Follow Bluebook formatting conventions. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
date The date the decision was handed down. Use a "[month], [day], [year]" readable date format following this pattern: April 3, 1974. See here for additional information about date formats.
subject The subject and field of law to which the case pertains.
appealed_from The court from which the appeal immediately came.
overturned Any cases or actions that this case overturned. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
partially_overturned Any cases or actions that this case overturned in part. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
reaffirmed Any cases or actions that this case reaffirmed. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
questioned Any cases or actions that this case questioned. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
criticized Any cases or actions that this case criticized. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
distinguished Any cases or actions from which this case is distinguished. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
cited Any cases or actions that this case cited. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
followed Any cases or actions that this case followed. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
related Any related cases or actions. If multiple, separate by asterisk.
Court_opinion_parts Enter a separate Court opinion part template for each opinion.