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Shows a legend row with a colored box.


{{legend|background-color|caption|outline=outline color|border=css border}}
  • background-color is passed to the css background-color property of the color box.
  • The optional outline parameter is the color of the outline around the box.
  • The optional border argument which overrides the outline argument and sets the css description (e.g., 1px solid #aaa) of the border that will be drawn around the box.


Use in text

{{legend|#ff2800|Asia|outline=#A2A9B1}}  (#A2A9B1 is the wikitables border color.)

Use in captions

To get this:

The Celts in Europe, past and present:
  Present-day Celtic-speaking areas
  Other parts of the six most commonly recognized "Celtic nations" and where a Celtic language is spoken but not the dominating language
  Other parts of Europe once peopled by Celts; modern-day inhabitants of many of these areas often claim a Celtic heritage and/or culture
  Lusitanian area of Iberia, "Celticity" uncertain
  The core Hallstatt territory, expansion before 500 BC

Type the following:

 [[File:Celts in Europe.png|upright=.9|thumb|left|The Celts in Europe, past and present:
 {{legend|#1a8000|Present-day Celtic-speaking areas}}
 {{legend|#27c600|Other parts of the six most commonly recognized "Celtic nations" and where a Celtic language is spoken but not the dominating language}}
 {{legend|#97ffb6|Other parts of Europe once peopled by Celts; modern-day inhabitants of many of these areas often claim a Celtic heritage and/or culture}}
 {{legend|#D2FFD2|Lusitanian area of Iberia, "Celticity" uncertain}}
 {{legend|yellow|The core Hallstatt territory, expansion before 500 BC}}

Full parameter list

| [legend box's color]
| [text following legend box]
| outline =  <!--color of border around legend box-->
| border =   <!--use to specify custom CSS styling for border (overrides 'outline')-->
| color =    <!--color of 'text'-->
| size =     <!--'text' font-size-->
| text =     <!--to place text inside the legend box-->