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WVU McLaughlin Constitutional Law

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Constitutional Law- McLaughlin

Historical References

  • 1215- Magna Charta -->part of British Constitutional Law
    • British only have unwritten Constitution, mainly docs and practices... its meaning is created by Parliament; Parliament has been primarily the House of Commons; There is NO JUDICIAL REVIEW in Britain... the final word/review= Parliament
  • 1535- Henry VIII- took English Church out of Roman Church & declared himself head of the English Church
  • 1627- Petition of Right–>
  • 1689- Bill of Rights–> John Locke
  • 1776- Declaration of Independence
  • 1781- Articles of Confederation
  • 1787- Constitution Convention

Writ of Mandamus

a writ sought by an ordinary citizen who says “the govt has a duty to do something that affects me positively, that I want. The Govt has a clear duty under the law to do it, and I want them to do it.”

Doctrine of Judicial Review

Marbury v. Madison (page 3)

Main Question - Who should decide, who should have the final word, as to the meaning of the Constitution?

ANSWER-Constitution Trumps Act of Congress (which came into being by the Constitution)

- Marshall’s opinion acts as if his opinion is plain meaning, not a question of Interpretation Marshall uses Transparent meanings

- Whenever you have a written Constitution, Judicial Review is a plain meaning concept