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University of Virginia School of Law

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University of Virginia School of Law
Parent school University of Virginia
Established 1819
School type Public
Endowment $300 million
Dean Paul G. Mahoney
Location Charlottesville, VA, US
Faculty 78 (full time)
109 (part time)
(See List)
USNWR ranking 9
Bar pass rate 94.28%
LSAT 75th% 171
Median LSAT 170
LSAT 25th% 166
Undergrad. GPA 75th% 3.92
Median Undergrad. GPA 3.85
Undergrad. GPA 25th% 3.51
Volumes in law library 890,000
Annual tuition (subsidized) $42,500
Annual tuition (unsubsidized) $47,500
Basis for tuition subsidy State residency
ABA profile link
Outlines 0 (See List)
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University of Virginia School of Law is located in Charlottesville, VA

The University of Virginia School of Law was founded in Charlottesville in 1819 by Thomas Jefferson as one of the original subjects taught at his "academical village," the University of Virginia. The Law School maintains an enrollment of approximately 1,100 students in its initial degree program. The school's reputation as one of the most prestigious law schools in the nation is reflected by its perennial appearance among the "top ten" in the U.S. News & World Report rankings, where it is currently ranked 10th.

The Law School receives no funding from public coffers except for in-state student tuition subsidies.[1] Thus, the Law School depends upon the largesse of private donors, its substantial endowment and student tuition payments. In 1995-1997, the Law School used entirely donated funds to renovate and expand its buildings on the University's North Grounds to include the former facilities of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration which built a new campus several hundred yards away. The Law School's 51% alumni giving rate is among the highest of the nation's law schools.[1]

Student organizations

The Law School maintains an extensive roster of student organizations, including chapters of the Federalist Society, the American Constitution Society and the Saint Thomas More Society.

The Virginia Law Weekly, the Law School's student-run weekly newspaper, has been published since 1948. The paper has been cited in several court cases including the U.S. Supreme Court case, Patterson v. New York. In addition its news content, the VLW also contains student-submitted content which often includes humor and creative pieces.

Each spring over a hundred students write, direct and perform in The Libel Show, a comedy and musical theatre production that was first organized in 1908. Its performers roast Law School professors, student stereotypes and life in Charlottesville throughout each of its three nightly showings.

Law journals

The Law School is host to nine academic journals, including the Virginia Law Review, one of the most cited law journals in the country[2]:

Notable Virginia Law graduates





Please see a longer list of notable U.Va. alumni.


External links